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Advanced simulation of an operating room: from the virtual model to the digital twin

Our phd student Giovanna Gargiulo explains in detail the objectives of EXCELLERAT project. The goal of my research is the DT(Digital Twin) of an OT (Operating Theater): from CFD(Computer Fluid Dynamics)to DT. The design of an OT is a complex task and requires a multidisciplinary approach, that includes techniques from engineering and medical sciences. In this scenario the Digital Twin could be a helpful in design, in control and manutention operations. OT problems are related with environmental control and with the design of an appropriate HVAC(Heating ventilating Air Conditional) system to prevent the riskof infections during surgical operations maintain ing a comfort condition for the patient and the surgical staffinthe same time.

The 9th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimisation Methods and Their Applications

BIOMA is a key conference specifically focusing on bioinspired optimisation methods and their applications. This international conference provides an opportunity to the global research community in bioinspired optimisation to discuss recent research results and develop new ideas and collaborations in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Fast and cost efficient CFD optimization of a Dallara Formula 3 car by means of adjoint and RBF mesh morphing

Simulation had a major impact in Our life, changing the way we think and design new products. From aerospace, to civil and biomedical, to name a few, all the fields of engineering have been interested by this ongoing revolution. We can safely say that the engineer of the 21ST century can inspect, study, design and improve like never before.